Saturday, September 18, 2010

Y-E-L-L, Y-E-L-L Everybody Yell!

"I thought my arms were going through the floor!" "Sketchy."

Dear Blog,
I'm sorry I haven't wrote on you in like forever.

So! We haven't given up on blogging or anything, it's just I couldn't figure out how to sign in for a couple of days... So therefore, no blogging. (I know, you probably were going through with drawls.)
I have a cold or something. I've had it since the start of this week, but I think it got worse from last night. We cheered at the varsity football game! Let me tell you... IT RAINED. A LOT. I kid you not most of us had our hair straightened that night, and by the 2nd quarter, we were just soaked. By the end we were all sportin' no make up, dripping cheer uniforms, and our natural hair textures! But it was the most fun cheering I've had! We were stomping our cheers in the puddles, having water fights with our pom poms, and literally wringing water out of our cheer uniforms. It was awesome. I even forgot I was sick! We all felt great and defiantly looked great! Such a fun game.
But I have nothing else to talk about! Tooooodles.

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